A First Aid Guide to Choking - What to do for Adults, Infants and Pregnant Women.
In the case you find yourself around a victim, first assess if the victim can speak, cry or shout. If they aren’t responsive, shout for someone to call 911. If you are the only person at the scene, then proceed to perform choking first aid on the victim before you call 911.
For children above 1 year and Adults
Step 1 - Face victim forward. With their back facing you, bend them forward and proceed to give them 5 repeated blows between their shoulder blades with the heel of your hand
Step 2 - Stand behind the victim, move your arms to the lower stomach/waist area of the victim and wrap your arms around the victim. Make a fist with one hand and using your other hand grab your fist just above the navel of the victim.
Step 3 - Quickly pull inward and upward.
Step 4 - Take the object out of the victim's mouth if it can be seen. Never try reaching for the object if it cannot be seen.
For Pregnant Women
Step 1 - Face victim forward. With their back facing you, bend them forward and proceed to give them 5 repeated blows between their shoulder blades with the heel of your hand
Step 2 - Stand behind the victim and apply pressure to the chest instead of the abdomen. Continue this motion until the object is expelled or the victim turns unconscious.
Step 3 - Quickly pull inward and upward.
For infants under 1 years old
Precaution is to be taken with infants as their body and delicate.
Step 1 - Lay the infant face down along your forearm. You may use your thigh or lap for support.
Step 2 - Hold chest in your hand and put your fingers in the mouth to open the mouth. Point the head of the infant doward so that it is lower than the level of the rest of the body.
Step 3 - Use the heel of your hand and deliver 5 quick blows to the back of the infant.
Step 4 - Turn the infant face up on your forearm using your thigh or lap for support, make sure to support the head. Place 2 fingers on the middle of the breastbone below the 2 nipples.
Step 5 - Deliver 5 quick thrusts compressing the chest ⅓ to ½ way down. Repeat the back blows and chest thrusts until breathing resumes.
Step 6 - If breathing doesn’t resume, call for emergency medical help and begin infant CPR once the airway opens.
Knowing choking first aid is one of the few basic first aid people should be educated about. A simple first aid course that could save a life in the time of need.
RingBinderDepot has this first aid course in the form of a poster to put up in public spaces. Day care center, schools, cafeterias, offices, restaurants and even malls. The poster is high quality and laminated to ensure durability. It is printed out in bright colours making it highly visible, easy to find and read when needed. It also has images and illustrations to help people understand the chart easily. You can get it here - https://ringbinderdepot.com/products/safety-choking-victim-poster-first-aid-for-infants-kids-pregnant-adults-laminated?
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